So the lambs need to be vaccinated thanks to the advice from Your Vet Online, I call up the local clinic to book them in. She says that’s great, have you named them yet? Silence from me, so unfortunately Yes, One is “Icey” all good, the other……Maleficient. Not even sure how to spell that one but I think I got it right! Thanks Your Vet Online for the advice. Our lambs are now fully protected!
About the Author: Dr Leigh Davidson BVSc, BApplSc
Dr Leigh Davidson, BVSc, BApplSc is a highly experienced veterinarian with over 20 years in the field. Dr Leigh founded Your Vet Online in 2015, offering Australia's first 24-hour online vet advice service. With a career spanning equine, small animal and mixed practice, Dr Leigh is known for her expertise in diagnosing and treating various animal health problems. Additionally, her consultancy services in pharmaceuticals have been instrumental in advancing treatment options and improving animal welfare standards. She has also earned recognition for her contributions to the field and is committed to transparency and integrity in her practice.
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