Are You Killing Your Fat Cat With Kindness?

Are You Killing Your Fat Cat With Kindness? While a chonky fat cat can provide plenty of laughs on YouTube or Instagram, it's no laughing matter when we consider how great the risks of being fat are to their health. As we discussed in our article on obesity in pets an overweight pet, whether a [...]

Why Pet Obesity Is A Problem For Your Dog & Cat

Why Pet Obesity Is A Problem For Your Dog & Cat[easy-social-share]Our world is in the midst of a pet obesity crisis and we are to blame. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), nearly 59 percent of cats and 54 percent of dogs suffer from obesity.The sad thing about this is that obesity [...]

How To Choose The Best Dog Food

How To Choose The Best Dog Food [easy-social-share] Determining the best dog food to feed your beloved dog is a challenge for many of us. While our focus is on the health of man's best friend, in many situations we are being fooled by the marketing genius of expert advertising and public relations. Choosing what [...]

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