Articles About Horses

How To Get Rid Of Rain Scald In Horses – Treatment And Prevention

How To Get Rid Of Rain Scald In Horses - Treatment And Prevention Rain rot is a common skin condition of horses living in regions with high rainfall that often results in hair loss, lameness and loss of performance. Other common names for it include: greasy heel, mud fever, rain scald, or dermatophilosis. This type [...]

Learn How To Assess Normal Animal Vital Signs

Learn How To Assess Normal Animal Vital Signs Learning how to recognise when something is wrong with an animal is one of the most important skills you as an owner can learn. But before we learn what is abnormal, first, we must first learn what the normal vital signs for dogs and cats are. Normal [...]

Heat Stroke In Dogs & Cats: Signs & Prevention

Heat Stroke In Dogs & Cats: Signs, Treatment & Prevention Heat stress in an animal occurs when its body can't dissipate heat and its core temperature increases above normal. When the weather is super hot or there is very high humidity we need to recognise the signs of heatstroke/heat stress in dogs, cats and other [...]

Dangers Of Smoke Inhalation For Pets, Horses & Livestock

Dangers Of Smoke Inhalation For Pets, Horses & Livestock Whether your animals have been in a house fire, bush fire or they are in an area where smoke haze has blown in, smoke inhalation for pets, horses, and livestock can result in significant health problems. In this article, we share the precautions you can take [...]

Top Tips To Keep Your Pet Healthy & Warm This Winter

Top Tips To Keep Your Pet Healthy & Warm This Winter Brrrr, the cold weather doesn't just affect humans, our pets and horses definitely feel the cold too. Many pet parents ask questions through our online consult service about how we can make our animals more comfortable when the temperature plummets. When considering this we [...]

WARNING Bova Injectable Omeprazole Contains Testosterone

WARNING: Bova Injectable Omeprazole Contains Testosterone [easy-social-share] Omeprazole is an extremely popular medication used in horses, small animals and even humans to treat and prevent the development of stomach ulcers. It works by suppressing the production of stomach acid. This article discusses a problem with an injectable Bova Compounded product that has testosterone contamination. For [...]

Stringhalt In Horses: Causes And How To Treat

Stringhalt In Horses: Causes And How To Treat [easy-social-share] Is your horse lifting a hindlimb in an unusual way when walking, trotting or backing? Your horse could be suffering from a condition known as Stringhalt. Stringhalt (Equine reflex hypertonia) is described as a non-painful neuropathic condition of horses that is characterised by an abnormal hindlimb [...]

Dr Joei Potter Interview: Anaesthesia Specialist University Of Dublin

Dr Joei Potter Interview: Anaesthesia Specialist University Of Dublin Dr Joei Potter works as a veterinary anaesthesia and pain specialist at the University of Dublin. Having graduated from Murdoch University in Australia, Dr Joei shares her story about why she chose to specialise in anaesthesia and the struggles she has seen in this profession.   [...]

Emergency Vet Care For Your Pet

Pet Health Conditions That Require Emergency Vet Care [easy-social-share] There's nothing worse than your pet or horse being unwell and you aren't quite sure what you should do. Do you rush into the vet clinic or get the vet to come to your property, or do you utilise the services of an online vet? Maybe, [...]

Horse Fitness And Training Guidelines

Horse Fitness And Training Guidelines [easy-social-share] The key to implementing and maintaining a horse fitness training program is to keep the horse both physically and mentally sound. Regardless of whether you are a pleasure rider or an elite rider, a racehorse trainer or jockey understanding the basics of horse fitness and training will improve the [...]

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