Preventative Care Topics For Cats

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) It’s Not A Death Sentence

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) It's Not A Death Sentence [easy-social-share] Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a serious and often fatal viral disease that affects cats and is caused by certain strains of the feline coronavirus (FCoV) family. While most cats that become infected with FCoV mount a good immune response and eliminate the virus, others [...]

Cat And Kitten Vaccination Schedules

Cat And Kitten Vaccination Schedules [easy-social-share] Vaccination is one of the most effective ways you can protect your cat against infectious diseases. There are many different vaccines available for cats, each designed to prevent certain illnesses. Some vaccines require multiple doses over a period of several weeks, while others are given once and offer lifelong [...]

Common Cat & Dog Poisons That Cause Sickness

Common Cat & Dog Poisons That Cause Sickness Sadly accidental pet poisoning is not uncommon so in this article, we reveal the most common cat and dog poisons that vets receive calls about. As we always say, if you are aware of the risks, then you can prevent the worst from happening. [easy-social-share] Every year [...]

Coronavirus Covid 19 in Cats and Ferrets

Cats and Ferrets May Catch Coronavirus Covid 19 Studies show that cats and ferrets are more susceptible to coronavirus C19 than we first thought. In our previous article on Coronavirus COVID 19 in Dogs, we mention how on April 5th 2020 a tiger at a zoo in the US tested positive to COVID 19 and [...]

Dr Leigh Bondi Vet Podcast Coronavirus

Dr Leigh Bondi Vet Podcast Coronavirus In this episode of the Bondi Vet Podcast Dr Alex Hynes and Dr Gerardo Poli join Your Vet Online's Dr Leigh to discuss how the Coronavirus Covid 19 can affect our dogs and cats. Learn how we can protect our pets as well as some tips to ensure our [...]

Heat Stroke In Dogs & Cats: Signs & Prevention

Heat Stroke In Dogs & Cats: Signs, Treatment & Prevention Heat stress in an animal occurs when its body can't dissipate heat and its core temperature increases above normal. When the weather is super hot or there is very high humidity we need to recognise the signs of heatstroke/heat stress in dogs, cats and other [...]

Vets Warn A Rise In Cat Poisonings From Deadly Flowers

Vets Warn A Rise In Cat Poisonings From Deadly Flowers FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   28 November 2018 With summer festivities fast approaching it’s more important than ever to keep pets safe! Many pet owners keep toxic foods (i.e. chocolate) from paw’s reach but often forget the dangers blooming in their gardens or floral arrangements. According [...]

Desexing Your Pet – What You Need To Know

Desexing Your Pet - What You Need To Know [easy-social-share] This week's Hey Doc with Dr Leigh focuses on desexing your pet and what you need to know. If you haven't read our other article on "when it's best to neuter your male dog" then head over there after you've listened to this tutorial. In [...]

What To Do For Rat Bait Poisoning In Dogs

What To Do If A Dog Eats Rat Bait Poison [easy-social-share] Whether you witnessed your dog eat rat bait, or you are highly suspicious that your dog may have some, it is extremely important that you seek veterinary advice or your pet's life will be at risk. Rat bait can kill any animal. These baits [...]

Is Grain-Free Pet Food Harming Your Dog Or Cat?

Is Grain-Free Pet Food Harming Your Dog Or Cat? [easy-social-share] Grain-free pet food seems to be the new buzz for dog diets at the moment. Forget “raw food” and “kibble”. It’s all about the grain-free. However, grain-free has a dark and dirty secret. It isn't quite the pet food that you thought it was all [...]

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