Why Pet Obesity Is A Problem For Your Dog & Cat

Why Pet Obesity Is A Problem For Your Dog & Cat[easy-social-share]Our world is in the midst of a pet obesity crisis and we are to blame. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), nearly 59 percent of cats and 54 percent of dogs suffer from obesity.The sad thing about this is that obesity [...]

Should I Get Pet Insurance For My Dog Or Cat?

Should I Get Pet Insurance For My Pet [easy-social-share] "Should I get pet insurance?" is one of the most common questions veterinarians get asked. Because insurance is a significant amount of money to outlay, it is wise to understand what pet insurance covers and the financial implications of what not taking insurance out means. In [...]

Best Pet Insurance: What Do You Need To Look For

Best Pet Insurance: What Do You Need To Look For [easy-social-share] If you ask any veterinarian the question: ‘Do I Need Pet Insurance?’ the sure-fire answer will nearly always be a resounding YES. This isn’t because vets are in cahoots with pet insurance companies – far from it. The real reason that veterinarians are a [...]

Ask Us Anything With Dr Jo From Pet Behaviour Vet

Talking Behaviour With Dr Jo From Pet Behaviour Vet [easy-social-share] In this episode of "Ask Us Anything", Dr Leigh talks with Dr Joanna McLachlan from Pet Behaviour Vet about all things concerning our cat's and dog's behaviour. Check out the video or read the transcript below. We hope you enjoy and if you have any [...]

When To Call The Vet

How To Know When To Call The Vet? [easy-social-share] Sometimes it can be difficult to know when to call the vet for their advice verse waiting and monitoring your pet or horse for a bit longer. In reality, if you are thinking about and perhaps asking others this question, then really you do need to [...]

Chocolate Toxicity Calculator

Chocolate Toxicity Calculator For Dogs [easy-social-share] We all know that dogs are experts at getting into that secret chocolate stash and consuming the lot! But how much chocolate can kill a dog? Chocolate poisoning in dogs occurs when they eat too much theobromine. If your dog has eaten chocolate, it's important to calculate the theobromine [...]

Halloween Top Safety Tips To Keep Your Pet Safe

How To Keep Your Pets Safe At Halloween [easy-social-share] While Halloween festivities can be fun for us, it can be quite stressful for our pets. Many pets struggle to cope with the increased activity and noise causing their anxiety levels to rise. That's not to mention all the numerous delicious goodies on offer, but food [...]

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