Stringhalt In Horses: Causes And How To Treat

Stringhalt In Horses: Causes And How To Treat [easy-social-share] Is your horse lifting a hindlimb in an unusual way when walking, trotting or backing? Your horse could be suffering from a condition known as Stringhalt. Stringhalt (Equine reflex hypertonia) is described as a non-painful neuropathic condition of horses that is characterised by an abnormal hindlimb [...]

Emergency Vet Care For Your Pet

Pet Health Conditions That Require Emergency Vet Care [easy-social-share] There's nothing worse than your pet or horse being unwell and you aren't quite sure what you should do. Do you rush into the vet clinic or get the vet to come to your property, or do you utilise the services of an online vet? Maybe, [...]

Horse Fitness And Training Guidelines

Horse Fitness And Training Guidelines [easy-social-share] The key to implementing and maintaining a horse fitness training program is to keep the horse both physically and mentally sound. Regardless of whether you are a pleasure rider or an elite rider, a racehorse trainer or jockey understanding the basics of horse fitness and training will improve the [...]

Lumps & Bumps On Skin – When Do We Worry?

When Do We Worry About Lumps & Bumps On Our Pets? [easy-social-share] As you have probably heard me say before, prevention is better than cure, well in this circumstance we might not be able to prevent, but we can certainly look out for and act immediately when we see lumps and bumps on skin of [...]

Colic Symptoms In Horses

Colic Symptoms In Horses: Tutorial [easy-social-share] One of the scariest and deadliest problems horse owners and carers must deal with is colic. Knowing what colic symptoms are in horses is absolutely vital. If you know your horse's normal vital signs, then you will recognise colic symptoms and be on the alert for other problems. In this [...]

Colic In Horses

Colic In Horses: Signs, Causes and Treatment [easy-social-share] The fear of finding your horse with colic is just as bad as a nightmare. Truth be told it's not too pleasant for us vets either! When a horse starts to show signs of colic our blood pressure rises and the deep profound worry sets in: Will [...]

How To Care For Horse Legs & Keep Them Sound

How To Care For Horse Legs & Keep Your Horse Sound [easy-social-share] We've all heard the saying "no hoof, no horse" and pretty much the same saying can be applied to your horse's legs. There are many old wive's tales and myths about looking after horse legs, from the application of cooling poultices to the [...]

Equine Wound Care – How To Prevent Proud Flesh

How To Care For Equine Wounds And Prevent Proud Flesh [easy-social-share] We see the blood....our heart sinks. Equine wounds are a horse owner's worst nightmare. We hear the horror stories of how long wounds take to heal, the money it costs, not to mention how the prevention of proud flesh is nearly a full-time job [...]

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