Grape And Raisin Poisoning In Dogs – Do You Need To Worry

Grape And Raisin Poisoning In Dogs - Do You Need To Worry? [easy-social-share]   You've probably heard many conflicting stories and anecdotal reports about grapes and raisins being poisonous to dogs making it difficult to know if it's safe to feed them to your dog. Some articles will say no, they are not poisonous and [...]

Signs And Symptoms Of Poisoning In Dogs

Signs And Symptoms Of Poisoning In Dogs [easy-social-share] The thought that your dog might have been poisoned is distressing. For many, our thought process wonders if that grumpy neighbour has poisoned our dog. Sadly, every year several thousand dogs die from accidental poisoning with early symptoms and signs often being missed until it is too [...]

Vets Warn A Rise In Cat Poisonings From Deadly Flowers

Vets Warn A Rise In Cat Poisonings From Deadly Flowers FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   28 November 2018 With summer festivities fast approaching it’s more important than ever to keep pets safe! Many pet owners keep toxic foods (i.e. chocolate) from paw’s reach but often forget the dangers blooming in their gardens or floral arrangements. According [...]

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