Dental Caries In Horses – How To Prevent Holes In Teeth

Dental Caries In Horses - How To Prevent Holes In Teeth [easy-social-share] Dental caries in horses are not as uncommon as you may think. Horses do get cavities and they are just as prone to these as us humans. A hole in a tooth is called a carie and in this Hey Doc tutorial Dr [...]

How To Feed Bones Safely To Dogs

How To Feed Bones Safely To Dogs [easy-social-share] There are many conflicting opinions related to whether we should feed our dogs' bones. When asked their opinion as to whether feeding bones to dogs is a good idea, many vets will give you the hard NO, while others will advise - "it depends". Feeding bones isn't [...]

How A Vet Dentist Examines A Painful Horses Mouth

How A Vet Dentist Examines A Painful Horse's Mouth [easy-social-share] Many signs of equine dental problems are subtle and easily missed by owners and trainers. While regular horse mouth exams are recommended, there are times when the signs of mouth pain are not so subtle and you need your horse looked at sooner than later. [...]

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