Dog Ear Infections – Learn How To Treat & Prevent

Dog Ear Infections - Learn How To Treat & Prevent Dog ear infections are sadly one of the most common disease presentations that veterinarians see daily. Many dogs suffer from chronic ear inflammation (otitis externa) and this causes them a lot of pain and the owners a lot of frustration. It doesn't have to be [...]

Colic In Horses

Colic In Horses: Signs, Causes and Treatment [easy-social-share] The fear of finding your horse with colic is just as bad as a nightmare. Truth be told it's not too pleasant for us vets either! When a horse starts to show signs of colic our blood pressure rises and the deep profound worry sets in: Will [...]

Causes Of Laminitis In Horses

Causes Of Laminitis In Horses [easy-social-share] We've all heard the saying "no hoof no horse" and when laminitis in horses is concerned, sadly it can result in death. Laminitis is essentially a clinical sign that indicates that an animal (horse, donkey, mule, sheep, cattle, goat, camel etc) has inflammation of the structures (laminae) that bind [...]

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