The Top 10 Back Leg Lameness Problems In Dogs

The Top 10 Back Leg Lameness Problems In Dogs Some of the most common issues affecting your dog’s quality of life are back leg lameness problems. These issues can slow them down, cause pain, and even lead to more serious health concerns if not addressed. Here we'll take a closer look at the top 10 [...]

Stringhalt In Horses: Causes And How To Treat

Stringhalt In Horses: Causes And How To Treat [easy-social-share] Is your horse lifting a hindlimb in an unusual way when walking, trotting or backing? Your horse could be suffering from a condition known as Stringhalt. Stringhalt (Equine reflex hypertonia) is described as a non-painful neuropathic condition of horses that is characterised by an abnormal hindlimb [...]

Causes Of Laminitis In Horses

Causes Of Laminitis In Horses [easy-social-share] We've all heard the saying "no hoof no horse" and when laminitis in horses is concerned, sadly it can result in death. Laminitis is essentially a clinical sign that indicates that an animal (horse, donkey, mule, sheep, cattle, goat, camel etc) has inflammation of the structures (laminae) that bind [...]

How To Care For Horse Legs & Keep Them Sound

How To Care For Horse Legs & Keep Your Horse Sound [easy-social-share] We've all heard the saying "no hoof, no horse" and pretty much the same saying can be applied to your horse's legs. There are many old wive's tales and myths about looking after horse legs, from the application of cooling poultices to the [...]

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