Cat Medicine

Lumps & Bumps On Skin – When Do We Worry?

When Do We Worry About Lumps & Bumps On Our Pets? [easy-social-share] As you have probably heard me say before, prevention is better than cure, well in this circumstance we might not be able to prevent, but we can certainly look out for and act immediately when we see lumps and bumps on skin of [...]

Why is Your Cat Vomiting and When Should You Worry

Why Is My Cat Vomiting? When Do I Need To Worry?[easy-social-share]That horrific sound of your cat throwing up, usually on the carpet is something we have all heard stories about!Funnies aside, a cat vomiting is not normal, even if much of what you read on google will say that it is!In this article, we discuss [...]

Do Flea And Tick Treatments Kill?

Do Flea And Tick Treatments Kill? [easy-social-share] We all want to do the best for our pets, and part of that is providing our pets with effective flea and tick prevention. There has been a lot of discussion on social media networks, including some very large and active Facebook groups that say that certain brands [...]

Cat Straining To Urinate: How To Tell If Your Cat Has A Blocked Bladder

Cat Straining To Urinate? Is It A Blocked Bladder? One of the most important aspects of being a cat owner is knowing what is an emergency and when to call the vet. A cat straining to urinate is a true emergency that can result in the death of your cat if you are not aware [...]

Why Pyometra In Cats Can Be A Death Sentence

Why Pyometra In Cats Can Be A Death Sentence [easy-social-share] Pyometra in cats is a bacterial infection of the uterus that can lead to severe illness and sometimes death. Unfortunately, all female unspayed cats are at risk of this problem. Many vets, especially emergency clinicians, will tell you that they often see these cases arrive [...]

Toxoplasmosis In Cats | I’m Pregnant, Do I Need To Rehome My Cat?

Toxoplasmosis In Cats - I'm Pregnant, Do I Need To Rehome My Cat? [easy-social-share] Excitement is brewing, you’ve just found out that you and your partner are pregnant! Like all expectant parents, you hop on the internet and the first thing you come across is some article telling you that you must get rid of [...]

How To Spot Ringworm In Dogs And Cats- Signs, Diagnosis and Treatment

How To Spot Ringworm In Dogs And Cats? Signs, Diagnosis & Treatment [easy-social-share] You see the classical circular bald spot on your pet....eek could it be ringworm? Ringworm in dogs and cats is a highly contagious fungal skin disease of the superficial layers of the skin, hair and nails, that whilst relatively harmless to the [...]

Why Is My Cat Peeing Outside The Cat Litter Box? Learn How To Solve This Problem

How To Stop A Cat Peeing Outside The Litter Box [easy-social-share] If your cat is straining to urinate Take your cat to a vet immediately Suddenly, your perfectly toilet-trained cat has decided the whole of its world (i.e. your house) is its toilet and has started peeing outside the litter box. If your cat was once [...]

Can I Feed My Cat Tuna?

Is It Safe To Feed My Cat Tuna? [easy-social-share] It certainly seems that for many of our feline friends, the smell and taste of tinned tuna fish is considered a delicacy. They hear the sound of the can of tuna being opened, and seem to come from nowhere! But how safe is it to feed [...]

Top Dangers For Pets In Autumn

Personally I love autumn. The days are usually crisp and clear with plenty of sun, while the nights are cooler. The gorgeous colours of leaves as they change colour create some magnificent scenery, but amongst all this beauty there are some things that may pose a risk to your pet. Here are some tips to help keep your pet safe in the autumn months.

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