How To Tell If Your Pet Is Sick So You Can Stress Less

How To Tell If Your Pet Is Sick So You Can Stress Less Sometimes it can be touch to tell if your pet is sick. If you've ever taken care of a pet, you know the feeling— something seems off, but can’t quite figure out what it is. It's frustrating and stressful, leading to a [...]

Hendra Vaccine – Why Is It So Important?

Dangers Of Hendra Virus To Humans & Horses [easy-social-share] Hendra is a severe, often fatal disease caused by the Hendra virus (HeV) that is spread by the flying fox causing infection in horses. It is a notifiable zoonotic disease meaning that humans can also become infected and die. Whilst there is no specific treatment for [...]

Chocolate Toxicity Calculator

Chocolate Toxicity Calculator For Dogs [easy-social-share] We all know that dogs are experts at getting into that secret chocolate stash and consuming the lot! But how much chocolate can kill a dog? Chocolate poisoning in dogs occurs when they eat too much theobromine. If your dog has eaten chocolate, it's important to calculate the theobromine [...]

Halloween Top Safety Tips To Keep Your Pet Safe

How To Keep Your Pets Safe At Halloween [easy-social-share] While Halloween festivities can be fun for us, it can be quite stressful for our pets. Many pets struggle to cope with the increased activity and noise causing their anxiety levels to rise. That's not to mention all the numerous delicious goodies on offer, but food [...]

Can I Feed My Cat Tuna?

Is It Safe To Feed My Cat Tuna? [easy-social-share] It certainly seems that for many of our feline friends, the smell and taste of tinned tuna fish is considered a delicacy. They hear the sound of the can of tuna being opened, and seem to come from nowhere! But how safe is it to feed [...]

Top Dangers For Pets In Autumn

Personally I love autumn. The days are usually crisp and clear with plenty of sun, while the nights are cooler. The gorgeous colours of leaves as they change colour create some magnificent scenery, but amongst all this beauty there are some things that may pose a risk to your pet. Here are some tips to help keep your pet safe in the autumn months.

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