How To Tell If Your Pet Is Sick So You Can Stress Less

How To Tell If Your Pet Is Sick So You Can Stress Less Sometimes it can be touch to tell if your pet is sick. If you've ever taken care of a pet, you know the feeling— something seems off, but can’t quite figure out what it is. It's frustrating and stressful, leading to a [...]

Dr Joei Potter Interview: Anaesthesia Specialist University Of Dublin

Dr Joei Potter Interview: Anaesthesia Specialist University Of Dublin Dr Joei Potter works as a veterinary anaesthesia and pain specialist at the University of Dublin. Having graduated from Murdoch University in Australia, Dr Joei shares her story about why she chose to specialise in anaesthesia and the struggles she has seen in this profession.   [...]

Choke In Horses

How To Treat Choke In Horses [easy-social-share] Choke in horses occurs when food matter becomes stuck within the oesophagus and does not pass through into the stomach. While not particularly common, it can be a very alarming condition to witness and deal with when it does occur. Thankfully, unlike humans who will actually stop breathing [...]

Best Pet Insurance: What Do You Need To Look For

Best Pet Insurance: What Do You Need To Look For [easy-social-share] If you ask any veterinarian the question: ‘Do I Need Pet Insurance?’ the sure-fire answer will nearly always be a resounding YES. This isn’t because vets are in cahoots with pet insurance companies – far from it. The real reason that veterinarians are a [...]

Why Pyometra In Cats Can Be A Death Sentence

Why Pyometra In Cats Can Be A Death Sentence [easy-social-share] Pyometra in cats is a bacterial infection of the uterus that can lead to severe illness and sometimes death. Unfortunately, all female unspayed cats are at risk of this problem. Many vets, especially emergency clinicians, will tell you that they often see these cases arrive [...]

Why Is Cost Of Vet Care So Expensive?

Why Is The Cost Of Vet Care So Expensive? [easy-social-share] When your animal falls sick or is injured and you need to seek veterinary attention, it can seem like the cost of vet care is prohibitive. Especially if you are comparing your pet's vet care with your own health care costs. In this article, we [...]

Vets Near Me: Why Are Vets So Expensive?

Why Are Vets Near Me So Expensive? [easy-social-share] "Why are Vets Near Me So Expensive?" Vets hear this question nearly on a daily basis. And when people learn that vets are not paid a high salary like doctors, it can be confusing to understand why vet care is so expensive. Remember that even if you [...]

When To Call The Vet

How To Know When To Call The Vet? [easy-social-share] Sometimes it can be difficult to know when to call the vet for their advice verse waiting and monitoring your pet or horse for a bit longer. In reality, if you are thinking about and perhaps asking others this question, then really you do need to [...]

Dr Leigh Bondi Vet

Vote Dr Leigh For Bondi Vet Attention all Your Vet Online fans, Dr Leigh needs your help! #votedrleigh It will be a sad day when Dr Chris Brown steps down from duties as the resident veterinarian on the Australian Channel 10 show Bondi Vet. However, our very own founder Dr Leigh has stepped up and [...]

Chocolate Toxicity Calculator

Chocolate Toxicity Calculator For Dogs [easy-social-share] We all know that dogs are experts at getting into that secret chocolate stash and consuming the lot! But how much chocolate can kill a dog? Chocolate poisoning in dogs occurs when they eat too much theobromine. If your dog has eaten chocolate, it's important to calculate the theobromine [...]

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