How To Tell If Your Pet Is Sick So You Can Stress Less

How To Tell If Your Pet Is Sick So You Can Stress Less Sometimes it can be touch to tell if your pet is sick. If you've ever taken care of a pet, you know the feeling— something seems off, but can’t quite figure out what it is. It's frustrating and stressful, leading to a [...]

Top Tips To Keep Your Pet Healthy & Warm This Winter

Top Tips To Keep Your Pet Healthy & Warm This Winter Brrrr, the cold weather doesn't just affect humans, our pets and horses definitely feel the cold too. Many pet parents ask questions through our online consult service about how we can make our animals more comfortable when the temperature plummets. When considering this we [...]

My Dog Is Scared Of Thunder – How To Calm Your Dog During A Thunder Storm

How To Calm Your Dog During Thunderstorms Or Fireworks [easy-social-share] It's not uncommon for a dog to be scared of thunder or fireworks. Both thunderstorms and fireworks are similar in that they both have unexpected flashes of bright light, combined with an extremely loud noise. The unpredictable nature of thunderstorms, in particular, can make management [...]

Understanding Anxiety And Its Implications For Pet Greyhounds

Understanding Anxiety And Its Implications For Pet Greyhounds [easy-social-share] Anxiety is a very common behavioural problem in both racing and retired greyhounds. Indeed it is very common across the canine spectrum, accounting for up to 90% of referrals to veterinary behaviourists. Anxiety is also a very common reason for relinquishment post-adoption, with up to 60% [...]

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