Articles About Pocket Pets And Unusual Pets

Coronavirus Covid 19 in Cats and Ferrets

Cats and Ferrets May Catch Coronavirus Covid 19 Studies show that cats and ferrets are more susceptible to coronavirus C19 than we first thought. In our previous article on Coronavirus COVID 19 in Dogs, we mention how on April 5th 2020 a tiger at a zoo in the US tested positive to COVID 19 and [...]

Heat Stroke In Dogs & Cats: Signs & Prevention

Heat Stroke In Dogs & Cats: Signs, Treatment & Prevention Heat stress in an animal occurs when its body can't dissipate heat and its core temperature increases above normal. When the weather is super hot or there is very high humidity we need to recognise the signs of heatstroke/heat stress in dogs, cats and other [...]

Wildlife Rescue: How To Help Wildlife In An Emergency

Wildlife Rescue: How To Help Wildlife In A Bushfire Emergency Sadly bushfires in Australia and many parts of the world are a regular occurrence. Not only are people and domestic and farm animals affected, but wildlife too. Wildlife rescue care requires special considerations, especially in emergency situations. In this article, you will learn how how [...]

Tiger Snake In Sticky Situation Saved By Point Cook Vet

Tiger Snake in Sticky Situation Saved by Point Cook Vet Sometimes as a vet, you never know what will walk, or slither, through the doors of your vet clinic. For Dr Karen Davies of Direct Vet Services in Point Cook, Victoria, today was one of those days when a Tiger Snake was brought to her [...]

2022-03-10T17:14:41+11:00By |Categories: Pocket Pets|Tags: , |0 Comments

Dr Tegan Stephens interview: unusual and exotic pet vet

Dr Tegan Stephens Interview: Unusual & Exotic Pet Vet If you have an interest in exotic animals then you are in for a treat. Today we talk with Dr Tegan Stephens who works as an unusual and exotic pet vet in Sydney, Australia. Her days are filled with treating many different species of animals from [...]

How To Care For Pocket Pets: Rabbits Guinea Pigs Ferrets Rats & Mice

How To Care For Pocket Pets: Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Ferrets, Rats and Mice [easy-social-share] "Pocket pets" are those small pets that aren't cats or dogs. They include pint-sized animals such as rabbits, mice, rats, ferrets and guinea pigs. These unusual pets require special care that is highly specific to their species and not at all [...]

Top Tips To Keep Your Rabbit Healthy

How To Keep Your Rabbit Healthy & Happy [easy-social-share] Rabbits are an increasingly popular pet, particularly in our time-poor society. However, contrary to popular belief they are not a pet that can be thrown some food and forgotten about. Rabbits need time, care, and attention. Rabbits are prone to a few health conditions that if [...]

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