Halloween Top Safety Tips To Keep Your Pet Safe

How To Keep Your Pets Safe At Halloween [easy-social-share] While Halloween festivities can be fun for us, it can be quite stressful for our pets. Many pets struggle to cope with the increased activity and noise causing their anxiety levels to rise. That's not to mention all the numerous delicious goodies on offer, but food [...]

How To Recognise Prey Drive In A Pet Greyhound

How To Recognise Prey Drive In A Pet Greyhound [easy-social-share] For many years greyhounds have been specifically bred and trained to chase using their sight. To ensure survival, all animals have a part of their brain dedicated to predation. However, the combination of genetics with a general lack of appropriate early socialisation, particularly around other [...]

Understanding Anxiety And Its Implications For Pet Greyhounds

Understanding Anxiety And Its Implications For Pet Greyhounds [easy-social-share] Anxiety is a very common behavioural problem in both racing and retired greyhounds. Indeed it is very common across the canine spectrum, accounting for up to 90% of referrals to veterinary behaviourists. Anxiety is also a very common reason for relinquishment post-adoption, with up to 60% [...]

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