Do Flea And Tick Treatments Kill?

Do Flea And Tick Treatments Kill? We all want to do the best for our pets, and part of that is providing our pets with effective flea and tick prevention. There has been a lot of discussion on social media networks, including some very large and active Facebook groups that say that certain [...]

Who’s At Fault: The Aggressive Dog Or The Pet Owner?

Understanding The Aggressive Dog The media is full of stories about the aggressive dog that has attacked a person, child, or another dog. We are frequently exposed to the dog fight at the park, even scuffles at the local cafe when a dog sitting quietly is attacked by one walking past. Dog fights [...]

Why Your Dog Can’t Breathe: Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome

Why Your Dog Can't Breathe: Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome It's not uncommon for owners of brachycephalic dog breeds such as French and English Bulldogs, Pugs, Pekingese, and Shih Tzus to be concerned that their dog can't breathe. These breeds have a shortened skull with very little normal nose that predisposes them to issues [...]

Feeding Raw Chicken Is Linked To Paralysis In Dogs

Feeding Raw Chicken Is Linked To Paralysis In Dogs Feeding raw meat to our pets always carries a risk to their health due to the potential of a high volume of bacteria being consumed. We need to be very careful with food hygiene for not only our dogs but also ourselves and those [...]

What Is Vaccine Titre Testing For Dogs? Is It Worthwhile?

When Is Titre Testing For Dogs Better Than Vaccination? There is no doubt that the vaccination of our dogs has markedly improved their health and welfare leading to prolonged lifespans. However, there are many who are now saying that we have cause for concern and should in fact be limiting vaccination and instead, [...]

Anaesthesia Free Dentistry For Dogs And Cats

Anaesthesia Free Dentistry For Dogs and Cats Anaesthesia free dentistry for dogs and cats is being promoted as the new wave of safe and appropriate dental care for our pets. But is it really? The process of anaesthesia free dentistry requires a dog to be physically restrained, usually on its back, and have [...]

Top Tips To Survive Summer Holidays With Your Pets

Top Vet Advice To Survive The Summer Holidays With Dogs & Cats We're all going on a summer holiday... No more workin' for a week or two... With pets being a huge part of the family, now more than ever we need to consider them when we are planning our summer. Whether it's [...]

Dog Vaccination: Is Annual Or Triennial Best?

Do We Need To Vaccinate Our Dogs Yearly? A yearly dog vaccination and health examination have been the norm for dog parents for as long as most of us can remember. However, as time evolves, research is conducted and products improve, we now realise that the need for a yearly C3 vaccination may [...]

Should I Get Pet Insurance For My Dog Or Cat?

Should I Get Pet Insurance For My Pet "Should I get pet insurance?" is one of the most common questions veterinarians get asked. Because insurance is a significant amount of money to outlay, it is wise to understand what pet insurance covers and the financial implications of what not taking insurance out means. [...]

Best Pet Insurance: What Do You Need To Look For

Best Pet Insurance: What Do You Need To Look For If you ask any veterinarian the question: ‘Do I Need Pet Insurance?’ the sure-fire answer will nearly always be a resounding YES. This isn’t because vets are in cahoots with pet insurance companies – far from it. The real reason that veterinarians are [...]

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